Other Words

Paul Levine’s Writing Extends Beyond Legal Briefs and Legal Thrillers

For Novelists, the Future Isn’t Fiction

Did I really predict the Gulf oil spill in “Night Vision” 20 years ago? A reader thinks so.

Legal Thrillers: Trial and (Many) Errors

Why do courtroom stories get so many things wrong? Even mine!

Crime in Progress: Should Writer Grab Gun or Notebeook?

A burglar hits the neighborhood. What’s a crime novelist to do?

Move Over Gutenberg: Will E-Books Spell the End of Paper and Ink?

So you love the smell of ink and paper and won’t buy an e-reader? Sure, you will!

Author Donates E-Book Proceeds to Help Kids with Cancer

Let me tell you about the Four Diamonds Fund and the great work Penn State students do for children with cancer.

Author Dedicates Book to Stranger

Why I dedicated Illegal to a total stranger, an undocumented Mexican woman crossing the border.

Alum offers guide to L.A. during Rose Bowl from a local’s view

If you’’ve been seized by the notion to see the Rose Bowl in person, rather than watch from the comfort of your BarcaLounger, here are 10 indispensable travel tips and assorted Southern California trivia.

Q & A: Alumnus Levine pens new book in ‘Solomon vs. Lord’ series

Newswire decided to sit down with Levine over laptops and have an Internet chat, during which he revealed how he finds humor in court and gave advice to aspiring writers.

My Miami: Broiled dolphin and palmetto bugs

Paul Levine’s Writing: The Penn State alumnus provides this personal guide to South Florida and the Orange Bowl.

The Good, the Bad & the Nutty: Mystery Writer Tackles Hollywood

Paul talks about moving to Hollywood and paying his dues.

In Miami, Oleander and Murder

On New Year’s Eve, a neighbor across the canal is murdered by a sniper with a rifle. Paul considers crime in the suburbs in this New York Times op-ed piece.

In the Eye of the Surgeon

The Miami Herald asked several writers, models and South Beach revelers to ponder the meaning of physical beauty. The request coincided with a plastic surgeon’s unsolicited suggestion that the author “have some work done.”

Test Your Legal I.Q.

Researching his Supreme Court thriller “Impact,” Paul concocted this tongue-in-cheek legal quiz for The Washington Post.

Hiroshima, Personally

On the 50th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima, Paul looks at the controversy through his father’s eyes. A POW in Japan, Lt. Stan Levine and his B-29 crew were imprisoned in Hiroshima just days after the attack.
