“Paydirt” is a genre-busting crime thriller featuring a broken man who will do anything — including rigging the Super Bowl — to recover his life and win back his wife and son.
Bobby Gallagher had it all…and lost it. Fired from his prestigious job, disbarred from the legal profession, divorced from the wife he loves, and in debt to the mob, Bobby embarks on a life-threatening mission. Assisted by his 12-year-old son Scott, he embarks on what appears to be an impossible task: rigging the Super Bowl. They must fix the game, win a huge bet…and avoid getting killed.
Frequently compared to the family-based style of crime thriller penned by Harlan Coben, “Paydirt” combines sly wit with high suspense and an unforgettable ending. Rigging the Super Bowl has never been so much fun…or dangerous.
“In the tradition of Harlan Coben’s thrillers, “Paydirt” is a sizzling caper with spine-tingling suspense, laughs, thrills, some football, and a touch of romance!”– The Daily Review
“This book is great for mystery lovers, suspense lovers, and even those loving and believing in the good ol’ All-American past time and those who play while being true to themselves. A nice, heart warming story with lots of twists and turns.” – Amazon 5-star Review
“Paydirt is one of those books that has characters that stay with you long after the book is finished. The story was a fast and engaging read. I loved the way Levine built up the suspense about the Super Bowl while still keeping the story believable. This is a highly recommended read for anyone who loves a great fiction read. I am definitely a new Paul Levine fan.” – Vine Voice 5-star review